Thursday, 17 October 2019


Based on our class discussions and resources on the blog, briefly summarise the Hollywood studio system, focusing on the following :

During which decades was the Hollywood  studio system at its most powerful ?

What were the major "big five " studios ?

What areas and roles in film production did the studio system have direct control over ?

Why was this factory method of production successful ?

Monday, 14 October 2019


Plan, shoot and edit  a key scene from Casablanca as closely as possible, making sure you follow some of the rules of classical style in its use of film form.


Thursday, 3 October 2019

CASABLANCA : Written analysis

Analyse  how film form ( cinematography,editing, mise-en-scene,sound and performance  creates meaning and audience response in the Rick's bar sequence  and one other  scene from the film.
( 800 words minimum).

How does the use of  film form in the scenes follow the rules of  classical Hollywood style to create responses such as intrigue, tension , patriotism  , nostalgia, loss and excitement in these scenes ?  Does the film bend or break any of these basic rules of Hollywood filmmaking ?

Deadline :  Monday October 7th

PRODUCTION TASKS : Evaluation of script/storyboard

You should complete an evaluative analysis of  script or storyboard  production of between  750 and 1200 words  and make reference to  some ...