Friday, 29 January 2021


The specific type of "experimental film " we will be specifically be applying to Tarantino and Pulp Fiction is the postmodern film.

We will be looking at the director , QuentinTarantino, as being a typically postmodern filmmaker and Pulp Fiction as being a postmodern work and debate how it uses some or any of the experimental techniques we have looked at  previously , and those techniques that form postmodernism.....

What is Postmodernism?

Postmodernism is a literary, philosophical and visual concept which makes new assumptions about culture, identity and language. It is concerned with the uncertainty of contemporary life. It suggests that in a world driven by consumerism originality no longer exists, it rejects the ideologies of modernism and is typified by a sense of cynicism and irony.

  Postmodernism is anti-theory : it opposes all of the traditional structural theories and claims that the nature of modern life is so complex and fragmented that no theory can address all of these elements. Culture and identity are either self-constructs or defined by a new and ever changing set of relationships.


 Jean Francois Lyotard in The Postmodern Condition (1979) argues that modern society has rejected ‘metanarratives’ (liberalism, Marxism, religion etc.) that we no longer believe in universalistic stories and overarching totalizing thought, rejecting not only theory but the cultural values of modernism.

Jean Baudrillard ,another influential postmodern thinker, proposed the notion of the simulacrum the replacement of reality with a mediated reality. He argues that we are no longer able to distinguish what is real and what is a representation and it is through culture and the media that this new reality is reproduced.

According to Hayward Post Modernism in general  is ill defined which is possibly its strength and it can be seen not as a theory but as a historical period (late 60-90’s) where assumptions around traditional conventions are questioned therefore reflecting a sense of ‘anything goes’. It calls into question the notion of progress, science, high and low culture and of western intellectual supremacy and because it questions modernism it also questions traditional accepted systems of knowledge and therefore opens up debates around, gender, race and cultural identity.

While there isn’t a definitive agreement on what constitutes postmodernism we can for the purposes of this unit identify some  central elements

1. Reflexivity : where a media or film text draws attention to itself as a constructed  media text , for instance through breaking the fourth wall

2. Eclecticism; A wide range of influences, contributions and techniques,including both high and low culture.

3. Intertextuality; An author’s reference to ,borrowing and transformation of another media

4. Pastiche/ Parody; A humorous or satirical imitation of a media text . It can be an extended to a scene,episode or a whole film where not only the setting abd genre but key elements of film form and production is meant to be a pastiche or parody

5. Bricolage; A technique where works are constructed from various materials available :Meaning in media and film works come from how these elements are combined and mixed rather than any new element.

6. Hyperreality : As described by Baudrillard, the idea that we are all living in a "virtual" mediated world with little or no direct "real" experiences.  It can also refer to  the artificial constructed world of images we see in films which are not the same as the real world. Some postmodernist films also have narratives which refer to hyperrealities ( e.g The Matrix ) within the artificial world of  the film. 


7. Acts against modernism; Postmodernism embodies scepticism towards the ideas and ideals of the modern era, especially the ideas of progress, objectivity, reason, certainty, personal identity and grand narrative. 

 Examples in your films of subversions, ambiguity and  experimentation in narrative structure/ resolution, genre convention, audience expectation, the elements of film form and other experimental techniques can be described as acts against modernism in film.


 These elements may be shown in films by some of the following techniques :

The disruption/subversion of linear or clear narrative structure and resolution, subjective use of sound, unrealistic or artificial dialogue, extended pastiche , a wide range of high/low  explicit cultural influences,  breaking of the fourth wall,  inconsistent or artificial  mise-en-scene, ambiguous or unclear character motivation, missing elements and ellipses in narrative,  and anything else that causes  the disruption of the rules of cause and effect or the world of the film  that most audiences depend on to create meaning. 

Films described as postmodernist may also be ironic, dark  or cynical in tone and deal with issues such as the breakdown or subversion of objective reality , the questioning of religion and morality and the nature of creativity and subjective experience. 


Monday, 25 January 2021

EXPERIMENTAL FILM : Introduction to techniques

What is experimental film ?  

Subverting /stretching/ breaking/  conventions of narrative, genre and film form elements  such as invisible editing, single-image, reliable narration,  linear time , narrative cause and effect , realistic or consistent mis-en-scene, clear character motivation ,  consistency of genre or setting, one-way relationship with audience and no breaking of  "fourth wall" and many others....

eg the mise-en-scene can be deliberately unrealistic, such as in Dogville

e.g  there is no clear narrative cause and effect , and linear time does not seem to exist , such as in Meshes of the Afternoon 

Video intro to experimental film  here

Monday, 18 January 2021

MOCK FILM EXAM QUESTION PAPER 2B Silent film movements

 Discuss how far your chosen film or films reflect cultural contexts associated with a particular film movement ( 20 marks )

Submit via the moodle link by  Sunday January 24  at the latest

email David with any technical problems

Monday, 11 January 2021

Silent film written response

 Next week you will be writing an exam-style written response to Buster Keaton's 4 silent films and their use of film form and wider cultural contexts

In preparation  make sure you have analysed some of these contexts and can support them with specific examples from the short films.

Here is a  blog summary of the cultural contexts you can refer to

Possible questions :

Discuss how far your chosen film or films reflect cultural contexts associated with a particular film movement

Discuss how far your chosen film or films reflect aesthetic qualities associated with a particular film movement

Explore how your film option might be considered as either a realist or expressionist kind of cinema. Make reference to a particular sequence in your answer



CHOSEN FILMS =  4 short films by Buster Keaton  You should make reference to at least two of the films if it is this type of question

CULTURAL CONTEXTS =   can include the history and conventions of the film movement iteself ( i.e silent comedy , social and historical factors, the influence of vaudeville, the influence of art and cultural movements e.g surrealism, modernism. DON"T FEEL YOU HAVE TO COVER EVERYTHING

 an extended scene ( ideally in one location ) This can be up to 10 minutes approximately so may be half of  the short film . You should briefly make it clear where the scene fits in the film's narrative

e.g     One week :   building a house sequence, destroying a house sequence etc.

       The Scarecrow  :  the multipurpose room sequence, the dog chase sequence, etc.

                 Cops : police chase sequence

         The High Sign  :  shooting gallery sequence ,  assassination/ action chase sequence

PRODUCTION TASKS : Evaluation of script/storyboard

You should complete an evaluative analysis of  script or storyboard  production of between  750 and 1200 words  and make reference to  some ...