Short Films 2020-21


Learners are required to make a study of at least three short films in preparation for their production. The total running time of the films selected must be at least 80 minutes.

               FILM            DIRECTOR      LENGTH (MINUTES)           

Meshes in the Afternoon (Deren, US, 1946)   14’
La Jetée (Marker, France, 1962)       28’
La Ricotta (Pasolini, Italy, 1963)      34’
The Grandmother (Lynch, US, 1970)     34’
A Girl’s Own Story (Campion, Australia, 1987) 26’
Elephant (Clarke, UK, 1989)      39’
The Wrong Trousers (Park, UK, 1993)     30'
When the Day Breaks (Forbis/Tilby, Canada, 1999) 09'
About a Girl (Percival, UK, 2001)        09'
Wasp (Arnold, UK, 2003)         24'
High Maintenance (Van, Germany, 2006)           09'
Connect (Abrahams, UK, 2010)         05'
Night Fishing (Park, South Korea, 2011)            33’
Pitch Black Heist (Maclean, UK, 2012)         13
Curfew (Christensen, US, 2012)       19'
Swimmer (Ramsay, UK, 2012)       18’
The Gunfighter (Kissack, US, 2014)       09'
Stutterer (Cleary, UK, 2015)      12'

Here's direct links to all of the films we can find.....we may not cover all of them and you don't need to write about all of them but this should give you more than enough to analyse and influence your own ideas....

Curfew  ( Christensen 2012 )

 Comedy/drama with extensive use of traditional, efficient  and effective use of film form to build  narrative tension, show relationships between characters, create narrative structure and iconography to support the film's theme

                Connect (Abrahams 2012 )

Simple short film

        High Maintenence  ( Van 2006 )

Scifi ? 

The Gunfighter  ( Kissack 2014 )

Comedy Western relying on subverting the concept of voiceover                 

  The Wrong Trousers ( Nick Park)  

Action comedy British animated short , featuring narrative twists, enigmas, a character's journey, action scenes, humour and links to other genres.

Wasp ( Armold )


     Elephant ( Clark  1989)   part 1   part 2  part 3   part 4

 Violent  and realistic  British short film about the troubles in Northern Ireland in the 1970s and 1980s. No music and minimal narrative and use of dialogue.

                    Le Jetee  ( Marker  1962 )

                 An experimental short  scifi film


Pitch Black Heist ( Maclean 2012  )

a short crime drama  focusing on two characters with some experiments in film form.

                              The Grandmother      ( Lynch )    
another experimental film short from a director who started as a visual artist : experimental and non-realistic in mise-en-scene and sound)

Meshes of the afternoon  ( Deren 1946 )

Earlyish experimental silent  fiim with a circular dreamlike narrative

You should consider the following connections between these short films and your own ideas:

Influence on ideas of linear/non linear narrative structure

Similar or contrasting narrative elements, enigmas  or plot points

Similar social or emotional themes

Similar genre or genre conventions used

Similar characters or character development

Similarity in   film form elements : e.g handheld camera, mise-en-scene, use of sound such as music or dialogue , editing techniques, shot selection , use of colour and lighting


THUNDER ROAD  ( best short film at Cannes 2016 )

BEAT ( 2015 )


END OF THE LINE ( 2018 )

Whiplash ( 2012)

Short films 2018


1 comment:

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