Tuesday 16 June 2020

Summer assignment tasks

Here are the tasks you need to have completed over the summer term and summer holidays. Please use the Production page and any links  for more detail  and ask David if there are any problems. These should be complete tasks but can be tweaked , edited and developed as your production develops.

Evaluative analysis ( part one )  of the key short films you have seen  so far , focusing on how they construct narrative using film form and genre conventions . This must cover at least three of the short films on the list  and a minimum of 80 minutes .

You should also highlight any influences they have had on your original film planning so far .

(  600 words approximately )

Original film  planning : Your idea for the original 5 minute film production
                                               ( script/storyboard/film)

Genre of your  5 minute film
Story/plot in 1 or 2 sentences
Any ideas about film form
 ( use of colour,music,lighting camera ,setting etc. )
Other short films/ films/books etc that influenced your plot/film form .
 Which narrative from the list below is your film following ?
( a twist, an enigma, conflict between 2 characters or 1 character's development ) 


3 Draft script for your original film following scriptwriting conventions and correct format. Your final version will be 1600-1800 words.

The script should be written in the present tense and should NOT use camera shot terminology  (Close up , Long shot etc. ) but can be as descriptive as you like about mise-en-scene and what the audience sees and hears. Make sure if you are describing a character's state of mind that you explain how the audience would know this through film form.


EDUQAS marked example ( screenplay plus storyboard and evaluative analysis) BAND 5/4

Use this to check correct format and screenplay conventions.

50 screenplays in various genres   To give you ideas and influences 

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PRODUCTION TASKS : Evaluation of script/storyboard

You should complete an evaluative analysis of  script or storyboard  production of between  750 and 1200 words  and make reference to  some ...