Monday 25 January 2021

EXPERIMENTAL FILM : Introduction to techniques

What is experimental film ?  

Subverting /stretching/ breaking/  conventions of narrative, genre and film form elements  such as invisible editing, single-image, reliable narration,  linear time , narrative cause and effect , realistic or consistent mis-en-scene, clear character motivation ,  consistency of genre or setting, one-way relationship with audience and no breaking of  "fourth wall" and many others....

eg the mise-en-scene can be deliberately unrealistic, such as in Dogville

e.g  there is no clear narrative cause and effect , and linear time does not seem to exist , such as in Meshes of the Afternoon 

Video intro to experimental film  here

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PRODUCTION TASKS : Evaluation of script/storyboard

You should complete an evaluative analysis of  script or storyboard  production of between  750 and 1200 words  and make reference to  some ...