Monday 1 February 2021


 Postmodernism and Film/TV

‘Ultimately post modernism is a vague term. However in its eclecticism lies its power to be none or anti-essentialist. It neither has nor provides a fixed meaning, in its pluralism lies its ability to be read either positively or negatively’ 
Susan Haywood, 
Cinema Studies the key concepts, 2013

Generally postmodernist can be not as extreme in their experimental use of film form or narrative as other types of experimental film  and generally date from 1990s onwards as that was when the term became widely used and applied.

They may be of standard length  and may be released and consumed within the mainstream of  rather than linked to visual art movements or philosophical movements. They may bend the rules of narrative and film form conventions within a fairly traditional structure or feature more consistent use of cause and effect or mise-en-scene while using one or more of the central elements of postmodernist techniques listed previously.

TASK :  Select three films/TV programmes you feel are postmodernist and explain why they are, focusing on the postmodernist techniques and features they contain. ( reflexivity,intertextuality, eclectism, use of parody/pastiche,experiments in film form and narrative, focus on subjective experience rather than objective reality ,dark and cynical tone etc) 


Deadpool  ( reflexive voiceover, dark ironic tone )

Adaptation   reflexive narrative and reflexive and ironic use of voiceover

Dogville   artificial mise-en-ecene

Donnie Darko  fractured and cyclical narrative

Memento   fractured and reversed narrative 

Grand Budapest Hotel       deliberately artificial mise-en-scene

                                               Reservoir Dogs   intertextual references , parody/pastiche of other films/genres, dark ironic tone, mixed low/high cultural references , 

Far From Heaven    extended parody/pastiche of 1940s melodrama

Mulholland Drive / Lost Highway  ( David Lynch ) fractured unresolved narratives

The Simpsons   use of  intertextuality and pastiche/parody, breaking 4th wall = reflexive

Rick and Morty   intertextuality, dark ironic tone, pastiche and parody, reflexive

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